Tomislav Marić
Tomislav Marić

T: +385 91 65 65 456


Djelujem kao profesionalni fotograf u području produkt i portretene fotografije, te kratkog reklamnog videa. Posjedujem vlastiti studio u Zagrebu s opremom, imam veliko iskustvo u korištenju specijalizirane rasvjete. Radio sam s kreativnim/art direktorima iz svih značajnijih reklamnih agencija u HR. Editorijale sam radio za magazine kao što su Insider, Klik, Playboy, Elle Decoration, Cosmopolitan, Gala Style, Story. Specijalizirao sam tradicionalnu kinesku fotografiju u najvećem fotografskom studiju u Pekingu. Jedini sam zapadni fotograf specijaliziran u tom području vrlo tražene fotografije u kini. Značajne međunarodne nagrade: Cannes Lions Advertising Festival - nagrada Gold Lion, za agenciju McCann Erickson; Moscow International Advertising Festival (MIAF) - Grand Prix, za kampanju Heineken No Milk Today.

I work in several areas of professional photography, my specialty is product, portrait photography and short advertising videos. I own a studio in Zagreb with all necessary equipment, and have experience in using specialized  lighting.  I have worked with creative/art directors from all major advertising agencies in HR and have photographed editorials for magazines such as Insider, Click, Playboy, Elle Decoration, Cosmopolitan, Gala Style, Story. 
I specialized in traditional Chinese photography at the largest photography studio in Beijing. The only western photographer specializing in the field. Significant international awards: Cannes Lions Advertising Festival - award Gold Lion, agency McCann Erickson; Moscow International Advertising Festival (MIAF) - Grand Prix, campaign Heineken No Milk Today.
